Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Kensington Universal Multi-Display Adapter

This is kind a note-to-self, but maybe it will help somebody else some day.

I've got a Kensington Universal Multi-Display Adapter hooked up to my Mac Mini, so I can have two displays. Works really great, but... whenever the power goes out and the system shuts down, I'll start it back up and that monitor is dark, dead, like a paperweight.

Want to know what I did to fix it? It's really complicated. Unplug the adapter from the system and plug it back in. Yes, that's all. Only took me an hour this time to think of that. Maybe next time I'll google it and end up back here and ::facepalm:: suffer for only a few minutes.

You're welcome, self!!


I've tried a few different Twitter/Facebook apps, but just tried TweetDeck... LOVE IT!! SWITCHED!!
Try it yourself, it's in the Android market: here.

Update: one thing I found kind of annoying is that I couldn't figure out how to switch the order of the columns. Maybe someone can give me a better idea how to do this, but I ended up jotting them down, deleting them (the "home" and "me" columns can't be deleted) and re-adding them. Hey, it worked!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Speaking of Ubuntu (which rocks, by the way)

Hey, speaking of Ubuntu, I didn't mention that I upgraded to 11.04 (natty what?) and have not had a single problem since with the whole suspend/restore on this Dell Latitude C640 that I sometimes use. Thanks, Ubuntu -- you all rock!!

Installing Eclipse (on Ubuntu, of course)

It sure is nice to have the package manager for installing software, but sometimes it's out of date. In the case of Eclipse, I think it gave me the G release, whatever that was, but the latest is Indigo, which you can download from whereverz. And I found a handy page explaining how to "install" it.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

SCP and spaces

I was looking for help with linux SCP and spaces in file names. I found a somewhat helpful link here:

Its advice didn't work for me out of the box, however.

What I ended up doing instead that did work was this:

scp -r '"/path/with/a/Space\ In\ It' ./

Which is to say that I single-quoted the whole source argument and single-escaped each space.

I'm dealing with left-parentheses similarly:

scp -r '"/path/with/a/Space\(s)\ In\ It' ./

Looks like there are other characters I need to escape, like single quotes, but I'm not going to worry about those right now. If you have any idea about escaping those in this context, please leave a comment.