Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Fun with words

What do each of the following have in common?

  • something
  • tenletters
  • eighteencharacters
  • two words

Sunday, March 04, 2012

layout.xml ->

I made a bunch of changes to a layout file this morning and wished I had a quick way to get all of those elements into my java code so I could make it go. So I popped into Emacs and wrote a little function to do it! And here it is. Enjoy!
(defun xml-to-java ()
    (setq tmp (buffer-string))
    (switch-to-buffer "tmp")
    (insert tmp)
    (goto-char (point-min))
      (replace-regexp "[\n\t ]+" " ")
       " *<\\(\\w+\\)[^>]*android:id=\"@\\+id/\\(\\w+\\)\"[^>]*>"
       "\nprivate \\1 \\2;\n\\2 = (\\1) findViewById(\\2);\n")
      (replace-regexp " *<!-- \\([^>]*\\) -->" "\n/* \\1 */\n")
      (replace-regexp " *<[^>]*>" "")
      (replace-string "\n\n" "\n")