Sunday, March 06, 2011

Empire, another timewaster from my youth

People are always asking me, "Dave, you're so good at wasting hours and hours on trivial nonsense... what's your secret?"

Well here's the latest gem of my youth: EMPIRE, Wargame of the Century. Just log into your nearest Ubuntu system and say "$ empire" -- you'll thank me, I'm sure!!
    ...+++++++...      .++++++++.........+..  .+.  0 S 
...+++++aX+..........+++A+A++.........AA. .+. e
+++Xa+++..a++............+O+.........++AA. .++ 2 c
.+++++++...++++...........++........++AAOA....++ t
..+++++.....+++++...........+.........A++AA...+++ 4 o
++++++.......+++......................+AAA....A++ r
++................+++............T...........A+O+ 6
+X.........p..T...A++++.....................A++++ 5
a+++.++++........AO+++++..+..........++.....+++++ 8
+++a++........AA++A++++++.......++++....AA+++. R
++X++......A++++A++++++......+++++....A+++.. 10 o
++aaa......AAA+AAAO++++O....++++++.....+O.. u
++++a.....AA......++A+....A++O++......... 12 n
+++a+....................A++++A......... d
aa......................+A+++++....... 14
aa......................A+++++++...... 1
aa....................AOA+A++++...... 16 7
a++....................AAAAA+OA++... 8
.aXa....................AAAAAAA++... 18
.....+X+++...... ++.. ....AA... 20
....++++a...... +... ........
...+++ a.... ++.. ....... 22
... +.. .....
+....... 24
..... 26

My hope was to build this from the Fortran/Macro sources on TOPS-10, but that didn't pan out -- many undefined symbols in the Link. But this updated version is definitely the next best thing!

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